
The Mission of the Holy One is a Christ-minded messianic work of God, with men and women who have come to believe and know that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and Savior of the world, who now desire and pray to pick up their cross daily to follow Him as Lord, live holy lives, fulfill His command to love one another, and make disciples of all nations, inviting them to also come, learn, and live with God through His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy One of God.

This household of God invites everyone to come to Jesus to be saved, because no one can save themselves from the power of sin, death, and the devil. There are none self-righteous or strong enough, not even one, except the Holy and Righteous One of God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of Man, who overcame the world for everyone, and who will come again in power and glory to judge the living and the dead, with salvation for those awaiting Him, but destruction for those against Him. “Blessed are those who take refuge in Him.” (ref. Psalm 2, John 3:16-18, 2Thess 1:8-10). This is the Word of God, who sent His Son, the Holy One of Israel, into the world He loves, so that whoever would believe in the Son would not perish, but have Eternal Life. Therefore, our mission is Jesus’s commission of us, which is to make disciples of all the nations, so that many might be saved.

He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon’. ” – Revelation 22:20

What Kind of Congregation is this?

> Apostolic and Open to God’s Renewal
> Evangelical-Pentecostal-Sacramental
> Reunited Catholic & Protestant
> Welcoming of Jewish believers in Yeshua

While understanding the many denominational and cultural differences people may prefer or be accustomed to, based upon their own particular and personal history, Mission of the Holy One seeks to allow for a fully unified expression of them all, also asking God to elevate and transform them into something even more glorious, inspiring, and life-changing, perhaps even new for our end-times, as long as God is the author and orchestrator of that renewal. We also look forward to the restoration of the Kingdom of God and refreshment of Israel, who awaits for their King to come in glorious power and majesty. We invite and welcome Messianic believers in Yeshua, especially since “salvation is from the Jews” and the Gospel was and is “first to the Jews”.

This holy mission is affiliated with the Continuing Evangelical Episcopal Communion, a humble yet full expression of Christ’s one holy apostolic church that reunites the evangelical, pentecostal, and sacramental traditions of the one Church that became historically separated into Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist or one of the many various Protestant branches of Christianity. All peoples, both Jewish and Gentile, are invited by the one and only God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel, the Messiah and Savior of the whole world, to receive the forgiveness of sins, the promise of eternal life, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is given to help us reach our heavenly destiny and fulfill God’s call upon our lives.

People from different church backgrounds will likely be familiar and comfortable with at least one aspect of the MHO experience, while being challenged by others, but this was true for the early Church as well, especially as it grew in numbers and across geographical, cultural, ethnic, and religious boundaries as God expanded His Kingdom on earth through the first decades and centuries of Church growth. There were many challenges to go along with great excitement and change. Everyone had to “get used to different” because God was then, and is still now, making all things new according to His plan and purpose. The best advice I can speak to you is to quote Jesus Himself, who said, “Come and see.” We are a small mission but are not ashamed of our humble beginnings in Christ. We welcome you to visit, discover, and learn, even as you attend regularly elsewhere.

Many churches today hope and desire to be like the “early apostolic church” or claim to be the “one true Church”. The difficulty with this is that the early Church was Jewish in its original culture and very Kingdom minded before it expanded its witness outside of Jerusalem, with much persecution and heretical challenges to faith and unity. Today’s the mostly Gentile Church is very divided into many branches, each with a primary identifying denominational emphasis and practice due to historical developments, often separated by ethnic or racial associations, or greatly influenced by secular culture being worldly minded. The Mission of the Holy One prays to develop the culture of Heaven, where all tribes and nations are to be gathered together and the principles of the Kingdom are lived out in unity with joy and peace, love and respect, without partiality, for everyone and everything that belongs to God. This is all made possible by the Holy and Righteous One of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church, through whom we have been given access to God, Our Father in Heaven.